24400 UB-HSI @EP2410D
Closed Add to PorfolioRelationship between Underlying Price and Outstanding Quantity of Call
Relationship between Underlying Price and Outstanding Quantity of Put
**Note: Statistics obtained from Daily Trading Reports of all Issuers, announced by HKEX.
K = Thousand ($), M = Million ($), B=Billion ($);
A greater net increase of outstanding quantity typically indicates that warrant positions (in warrants relating to this particular underlying, in terms of number of warrants) held by the market are increasing.
Vice versa, a greater net decrease of outstanding quantity typically indicates that warrant positions (in warrants relating to this particular underlying, in terms of number of warrants) held by the market are decreasing or that warrants are expiring.
K = Thousand ($), M = Million ($), B=Billion ($);
A greater net increase of outstanding quantity typically indicates that warrant positions (in warrants relating to this particular underlying, in terms of number of warrants) held by the market are increasing.
Vice versa, a greater net decrease of outstanding quantity typically indicates that warrant positions (in warrants relating to this particular underlying, in terms of number of warrants) held by the market are decreasing or that warrants are expiring.